Tessa Plumb

Multimedia Designer


Multidisciplinary Designer I Maker I Thinker I Artist

As Multimedia Designer, Tessa uses her well-stocked creative toolbox to bring clients’ most ambitious visions to life. From brand design and video production to digital illustration and social media marketing, Tessa is passionate about telling compelling stories and crafting a strong voice for community-centric causes and projects that she cares deeply about.

Tessa’s background spans various creative realms, including graphic design, illustration, packaging, video production, animation, motion graphics, and data visualization. She’s worked with local clients and international brands to craft captivating visual identities and to ensure that every detail of their presence is well-considered.

Outside of work, you can find Tessa hiking at the coast, throwing pottery in her neighborhood studio, reading sci-fi novels, playing indie video games, trying out new recipes, or tracking the progress of the JWST.

"Don't ask yourself what the world needs. Ask yourself what makes you come alive, and go do that, because what the world needs is people who have come alive."

Howard Thurman

Education + Recognition

  • Bachelor of Science in Art & Technology | University of Oregon

  • Scholastic Art & Writing Awards | National Silver Medalist

Community Involvement

  • Volunteer | Kenton Neighborhood Association


Sam Stites


Zander Arnold