case study
Supporting Workforce Development
Client: Workforce Southwest Washington (WSW), Next Success
Workforce Southwest Washington embarked on a strategic growth journey, focusing on continuous improvement and community prosperity. With changes in the Board of Directors and a leadership transition with the CEO position, PointNorth provided capacity building support that lead to additional opportunities to support these transitions and organizational growth
PointNorth is a trusted strategic partner supporting organizational and community impact planning. We facilitated a Board retreat, and the formation of a strategic planning task force, comprising key organizational leaders. Our team conducted multiple workshops, leading to the development of a strategic planning framework, refining WSW's mission and vision, and establishing shared values, resulting in a three-year community-centered strategic plan adopted by the board.
In response to the pandemic's impact on youth services, we launched a targeted social media campaign. Our strategy focused on showcasing Next's transformative impact on young adults and creating engaging content.
Additionally, to further WSW's outreach and continuous improvement efforts, we facilitated focus groups, conducted interviews, and developed a digital survey to gather feedback on youth investments to engage local business partners. These efforts provided valuable insights for WSW's future priorities and strategies.
Digital Outreach Strategy
Social Media Management
Video Production
Strategic Planning
Interested Partner Engagement
Communications Strategy
Survey Development & Analysis
Focus Group Organization